Monday, September 14, 2009

The rape of young Penan girls

Penan girls had been raped by timber camp workers..
Are we going to just stand and pretend that nothing ever happened to the Penan girls? The answer is no! We are not going to let them escape nor will we ignore these victims.Those Penan girls are like you, me and everyone else. They have feelings, they have their rights to be kept safe from harm and be treated with dignity and respect not as objects. They are no lesser than the any one else and they are human beings.This incident is a not just a call for us to stand up and fight against those who harmed those girls but also an opportunity for us to ensure the victims and their families get the justice they are waiting for.
I hope the public, the authorities and the MPs of Sarawak will band together and take action against these monsters who think it is okay to hurt the Penan girls.

p/s: Are we going to just stand and pretend that nothing ever happened to the Penan girls???


  1. Alfred jabu brushes aside Penan woes,
    Calling NGO his foes.
    He has a brain of a monkey;
    He only knows how to make more money.
    we all think he is very funny;
    A deputy chief minister,sarawakian must be crazy

  2. cet..nma utai temu jabu nya...nambah ke pengaya diri empu baru nemu
