Saturday, June 13, 2009

Dayak Parliamentarians stay silent

11 Member of Parliaments from Barisan Nasional will not be fielding any questions in the Parliamentary session, the first after the 12th General Election.Those 11 MPs are:

1. Datuk Haji Wahab bin Haji Dolah - Igan

2. Masir Kujat – Sri Aman

3. Billy Abit Joo - Hulu Rajang

4. Ding Kuong Hiing - Sarikei

5. Dato’ Dr James Dawos Mamit - Mambong

6. Dato’ Sri Muhammad Leo Michael Toyad Abdullah - Mukah

7. Datuk Dr Tekhee @ Tiki Anak Lafe - Mas Gading

8. William @ Nyallau Anak Badak- Lubok Antu

9. Alexander Linggi – Kapit

10. Joseph entulu – Tatau

11. Sulaiman Taib - Samarahan

Of the 11 Sarawakian MP without voices, 7 of them are Dayak, Billy Abit Joo , James Dawos, Tiki Lafe, Alexander, Entulu, William Badak and Masir Kujat.Of the 4 Dayak MP who would be warming the benches instead of throwing questions, all are seasoned parliamentarians, except for new comer, William Badak. He could be excused for his ignorant since this will be his first time conferring in the Cabinet.Going further, looking at the veteran James Dawos and Tike Lafe, are these two losing their mood and on a silent protest since the Prime Minister did not give them any ministerial post despite their seniority in the Cabinet. Or these two are really paloi that they have a temporary mental block and could not come up with questions to be fielded in the coming Parliamentary session?How to be an effective MP if you could not let your voices be heard in the Cabinet? Staying silent in the Cabinet mean those Dayak MP is letting down the hope of the voters who have voted them to represent their suara rakyat.
If no one voice their problem in the Cabinet, who else would? TV3, RTM, jangan harap. Thus, it is the sole responsibility of the elected Dayak MP to highlight the plight and sorrow of the Dayak community that they swear to represent.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Are the people ready to accept PKR into Sarawak?

Are the people ready to accept PKR into Sarawak ?especially in the rural areas?? Perhaps, PKR should do a lot of ’soul-searching’ on how to prepare itself for the next state election.Find a credible leader (a Sarawakian) to lead PKR Sarawak. Find suitable candidates NOW to contest in the next election with thorough screening of prospective candidates ( not just anybody who want to contest), devise a 'solidstrategy’, strengthen ties with other opposition parties for aformidable Pakatan Rakyat. I heared from my own kaban, Pedis PAKATAN RAKYAT deka menang.. Of course, the other obvious factors include: BN’s powerful machinery( aided by government depts/agencies), ‘bottomless’ financial meansand the many, many ‘promises’ made by Ministers at both Federal and State levels.. Ibans do not know how to cheat. For example, if a candidate gives them money to influence them to vote for him, they will surely vote for him because of the fear of “tulah” (curse).This the Ibans do not learn. They should emulate examples of almost all our YBs who promise the voters this and that. While we must admit that some promises do materialize, but the majority of them is empty. And yet they do not “tulah”. Instead of “tulah”, they become “kaya raya” taking away our NCR land. Am i rite??