Normally in a country where the monarchy system is still in existence, you will have only one King and one Queen... at most 2 or 3 Queens..But in Swaziland, it has been a traditions for the King to have more than 10 wives or Queens!!So, no country in the world can beat that statistic!!! Currently, he has 14 wives and 23 children!! King Mswati III was once critized for his lavish and extravagant lifestyles that contrasts sharply with his country's widespread poverty.It was reported that each of King Mswati III brides has been given a retinue, a palace and a new BMW. In the government’s latest budget, about $30 million was set aside for “royal emoluments.”
p/s: What types of food he consumed to have that kind of stamina and libido to sleep with so many wives every night???