Government pathologist Dr Shahidan Mohd Noor is now singing the same tune that Teoh Being Hock's death is 'suicide'. Before that Dr Khairul Azman Ibrahim and Dr Prashant Naresh Samberkar sang a duet to try to convince the public of suicide. What is it with all these government doctors?Don't they have any professionalism and self-respect left? Can their ethics and soul be bought for money and the promise of promotion? The general public knows that suicide is just not credible under the circumstances so stop treating the public like fools.The MACC should also beware that a verdict of suicide will be the hammer that will smash forever their credibility in the eyes of the public.
p/s: We have lost faith in our system and in our so-called public servants. Now, even our once respected doctors are included in this disgraced group..