He rules the land like his own and with a tight fisted that no one can say anything he does not want to hear. His hijacking of the State’s natural resources is unbelievable. And now he wants his son Sulaiman to succeed him? Says who? The State belongs to the people not to him or his sons. Wait till the next elections when the Sino-Dayak coalitions kick him out! He and his family can then flee to Canada or Australia. The people will have their say. And their Day. Taib is only person, he is not God! If all of the 70 State assemblypersons don’t support him, he is a gone case!Dayak’s Leaders must not fight with each other! Fighting over nothing beneficial for your community! That is the “Cawat” Mentality!
p/s: I'm out from blogging for a while starting 10th August. Just want to focus on my studies..