Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Many young Sarawakians, much more than before responded to the suffering of the Sarawak people today by thinking aloud, should we not PULL OUT of MALAYSIA. What have we gained by joining Malaysia?
Sarawak has not received what is due to them. Sarawak has been side-line and ignored. No senior position in the Federal Civil Service, No senior members in the police and army, no important position in the cabinet, Sarawak bumiputera is even 4th class in the ranking behind the major races in West Malaysia. We didn’t join Malaysia to learn only to speak Bahasa Malaysia and Islam as our official religion - causing hardship to people from other faith to get government financial support and respect. We did not join Malaysia to champion “Ketuanan Melayu” and be made used of by UMNO elitist to further their hold on political power and corrupted practice.
We want justice, we want equality, we want respect, and we want dignity in our life. We do not need to “bow” and” kneel” and “plead” for what is rightly ours. We want our money to develop ourselves and be able to live a better life. From frustration with the BN government under UMNO, we are even thinking of leaving Malaysia. It has brought us untold misery and frustration with their bias leadership and poor planning accorded the state of Sarawak.

p/s: James Brooke cared for Sarawakians more then this UMNO..


  1. satu lagi projek BN.

    Ha Ha Ha

    bakun dam, how much the electricity tariff decrease?!

    For the god sake, kill me now, and if reborn i will still slash this UMNO.

    I fight not only for development or lack or neglect on my homeland, I fight because we're too long for patience in our own land, now the time I feel want to free my own state from malasia. Why should have so many flag in one country?? did US did it??

    sarawak is not sabah, sabah MP daring to speak, even sarawak get more people in cabinet when time to came for sarawakian to be DPM?? Or PM??

  2. Kucing parsi,Consider Sarawak has got its independence, I personally believe that Peninsular Malaysians will have hard time assuming "Mr.White Hair" and his cronies no longer rule.

    1. We’ll cancel off Petronas’ reign in Sarawak and appoint Sarawak company to rule our resource.
    2. Instead of supplying Bakun electricity to Peninsular, we’ll export our power to them.
    3. Our food program to crop rice will make us an rice exporter to Peninsular.
    4. We’ll build our own roads with the budget in our control. At least all the lies given by Federal government can end here.
    5. We’ll have our own airline by upgrading Hornbill Skyways to Hornbill Airways. At least we don give direct chance to MAS to earn our people’s money.
    6. We’ll going to develop many sectors using Sarawakians ways not the federal ways. We’ll going to have many Sarawakian Expats coming back from Peninsular and overseas to develop this new country.

    These are some of the ultimate goals that Sarawakians hope for, after spending disappointing moments in Malaysia.

  3. by the way, there are no aided by the federal government to sarawak anyway, i had friends who is very close to Abdul rahman junaidi...

    This is what you must think??

    did UMNO try to bring job opportunities for sarawakian...

    every effort of foreign investment in sarawak is bring by white hair or it came by it self

    we have a sufficient land! why we want to land more palm then crop?!?

    I feel this is upset way if we're joining malaysia

    depart sarawak from malaysia!!!

    p/s: by the way, I've lobbied my self to be new sultan of sarawak after sultan tengah, not satan tengah, and then jump to be YDP Agong, in the next day, i will appoint my friend to be new PM!!!

    I can't be sued! Or there are big demonstration out there!!!

  4. Carefull bro.. Nanti kena cekup I.S.A...

  5. i guess sarawak shud quit malaysia.

    anon....whatever they want...bcoz we want justice...
