Sunday, August 16, 2009

RajaLawak : YB LIHAN JOK

p/s: Jika YB LIHAN Pilihan Anda,Taip RL UNDILIHAN dan HANTAR ke 3999

David VS Goliath

Matek Anak Geram, an Iban farmer, was arrested by the police on 13 August 2009 for the crime of allegedly restraining the workers of an oil palm plantation. For over a year, Matek and his immediate family have been guarding their property against Saradu Plantations who have been encroaching on their native lands. In individual shifts, they have blocked an access road built on their land. It's a classic example of David and Goliath. However, David did win, and the people of Sarawak can win if they turn up to vote out the government at the next election.

p/s: Kini penungga YBs Iban ari BE END?? Pansut kitak!! Don’t be "remaung di rumah, raung di tanah"!!!!